Publish Date : 06-06-2022
Description : Shri. N. Munireddy, Director (Quality Assurance), KMF, in his address appraised the house about the status of KMF, the second largest dairy cooperative organization in India. He also sought the support of ICARNDRI in their efforts to expand their product portfolio. The occasion was graced by Dr. Sudha Mysore, Chief Executive Officer, Agrinnovate India Ltd., who highlighted the role of the organization as an interface between ICAR institutes and the stakeholders while commercializing different technologies. Dr. Dheer Singh, Joint Director (Research), ICAR-NDRI,stressed the need to develop more sophisticated and advanced technologies to serve the dairy industry. Guest of Honor of the function, Shri. B.C. Sateesh, Managing Director, Karnataka Milk Federation, applauded the role of NDRI, which is in its centenary year, towards the dairy development in the country. He expressed the interest of KMF in commercializing more and more technologies being developed at NDRI.

Agrinnovate Commercialized 10 technology of ICAR-NDRI's to Karnataka Milk Federation
Publish Date : 06-06-2022
Description : Shri. N. Munireddy, Director (Quality Assurance), KMF, in his address appraised the house about the status of KMF, the second largest dairy cooperative organization in India. He also sought the support of ICARNDRI in their efforts to expand their product portfolio. The occasion was graced by Dr. Sudha Mysore, Chief Executive Officer, Agrinnovate India Ltd., who highlighted the role of the organization as an interface between ICAR institutes and the stakeholders while commercializing different technologies. Dr. Dheer Singh, Joint Director (Research), ICAR-NDRI,stressed the need to develop more sophisticated and advanced technologies to serve the dairy industry. Guest of Honor of the function, Shri. B.C. Sateesh, Managing Director, Karnataka Milk Federation, applauded the role of NDRI, which is in its centenary year, towards the dairy development in the country. He expressed the interest of KMF in commercializing more and more technologies being developed at NDRI.